Source code for paradrop.lib.utils.uci

# Copyright 2013-2014 All Rights Reserved
# Authors: The Paradrop Team

import os

from paradrop.base.output import out
from paradrop.base import settings
from paradrop.lib.utils import pdos, pdosq

[docs]def getSystemConfigDir(): base = settings.UCI_CONFIG_DIR pdosq.makedirs(base) return base
[docs]def getSystemPath(filename): """ Get the path to the system configuration file. This function also attempts to create the configuration directory if it does not exist. Typical filenames: network, wireless, qos, firewall, dhcp, etc. """ base = getSystemConfigDir() return os.path.join(base, filename)
[docs]def stringify(a): """ Recursively convert all primitives in a data structure to strings. """ if isinstance(a, basestring): return a elif isinstance(a, list): return [stringify(v) for v in a] elif isinstance(a, dict): result = {} for k, v in a.iteritems(): result[k] = stringify(v) return result else: return str(a)
[docs]def getLineParts(line): """ Split the UCI line into its whitespace-separated parts. Returns a list of strings, with apostrophes removed. """ parts = line.split(" ") # Nothing to work with in this case. It is probably an erroneous line, # because they should usually have at least two parts. if len(parts) <= 1: return parts groups = [] while len(parts) > 0: word = parts.pop(0) # Suppress empty words that are not enclosed in quotations. if len(word) == 0: continue opening_quote = None if word.startswith("'") or word.startswith('"'): opening_quote = word[0] word = word[1:] closing_quote = None if opening_quote is not None and word.endswith(opening_quote): closing_quote = word[-1] word = word[:-1] group = [word] # Simple case: line part is a single word. if opening_quote is None or opening_quote == closing_quote: groups.append(group) continue # Build up a multi-word part until we find the closing quote. # Example: config ssid 'Free WiFi' # <- Space inside quotation marks. while len(parts) > 0: word = parts.pop(0) if word.endswith(opening_quote): closing_quote = word[-1] word = word[:-1] group.append(word) if opening_quote == closing_quote: break groups.append(group) return [" ".join(g) for g in groups]
[docs]def chuteConfigsMatch(chutePre, chutePost): """ Takes two lists of objects, and returns whether or not they are identical.""" # TODO - currently using a naive implementation by searching over the old configs and the new configs. # Could improve if slow by keep track of matched configs on both sides, deleting from search space # If any objects remain at the end # loop through all old configs, check if they each have a match in the new configs for c1 in chutePre: for c2 in chutePost: if (singleConfigMatches(c1, c2)): break else: # We got through the loop without finding a match, so return false return False for c2 in chutePost: for c1 in chutePre: if (singleConfigMatches(c1, c2)): break else: return False return True
[docs]def isMatch(a, b): a = stringify(a) b = stringify(b) return (a == b)
[docs]def isMatchIgnoreComments(a, b): import copy a1 = copy.deepcopy(a) b1 = copy.deepcopy(b) a1.pop('comment', None) b1.pop('comment', None) a1 = stringify(a1) b1 = stringify(b1) return (a1 == b1)
[docs]def singleConfigMatches(a, b): (c1, o1) = a (c2, o2) = b return isMatch(c1, c2) and isMatch(o1, o2)
[docs]def stringifyOptionValue(value): """ Convert option value from in-memory representation to a suitable string. In particular, boolean values are converted to '0' or '1'. """ if value is True: return '1' elif value is False: return '0' else: return str(value)
[docs]class UCIConfig: """ Wrapper around the UCI configuration files. These files are found under /etc/config/*, and are used by OpenWrt to keep track of configuration for modules typically found in /etc/init.d/* The modules of interest and with current support are: - firewall - network - wireless - qos * This class should work with any UCI module but ALL others are UNTESTED! New configuration settings can be added to the UCI file via addConfig(). Each UCI config file is expected to contain the following syntax: config keyA [valueA] option key1 value1 ... list key2 value1 list key2 value2 ... list key3 value1 list key3 value2 Based on the UCI file above, the config syntax would look like the following: config is a list of tuples, containing 2 dict objects in each tuple: - tuple[0] describes the first line (config keyA [valueA]) {'type': keyA, 'name': valueA} The value parameter is optional and if missing, then the 'name' key is also missing (rather than set to None). - tuple[1] describes the options associated with the settings (both 'option' and 'list' lines) {'key1': 'value1', ...} If a list is present, it looks like the following: { ..., 'key2': [value1, value2, ...], 'key3': [value1, value2, ...] } So for the example above, the full config definition would look like: C = {'type': 'keyA', 'name': 'valueA'} O = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': ['value1', 'value2'], 'key3': ['value1', 'value2']} config = [(C, O)] """ def __init__(self, filepath): self.filepath = filepath self.myname = os.path.basename(self.filepath) if (not os.path.isfile(self.filepath)): open(self.filepath, 'a').close() self.config = self.readConfig() def __eq__(self, o): if(self.filepath != o.filepath): return False if(self.myname != o.myname): return False # before parsing through each one, do simple check to make sure the number of configs is the same if(len(self.config) != len(o.config)): return False # Parse through config finding any differences oc = o.config for cfg in self.config: c, o = cfg # This is stupid slow, but easy, just look through all values for a match for cfg1 in oc: c1, o1 = cfg1 if(c1 == c and o1 == o): break else: # Found no match so we return None return False return True def __ne__(self, o): """Override the not equals operator between 2 Config objects This is required because the config attribute contains a list of tuples which Python doesn't seem to like to do comparisons directly on, for instance cfg1.config != cfg2.config fails to say they are the same even though they are.""" if(self.filepath != o.filepath): return True if(self.myname != o.myname): return True # before parsing through each one, do simple check to make sure the number of configs is the same if(len(self.config) != len(o.config)): return True # Parse through config finding any differences oc = o.config for cfg in self.config: c, o = cfg # This is stupid slow, but easy, just look through all values for a match for cfg1 in oc: c1, o1 = cfg1 if(c1 == c and o1 == o): break else: # Found no match so we return None return True return False
[docs] def getConfig(self, config): """ Returns a list of call configs with the given title """ matches = [] # Search through the config array for matches config = stringify(config) for e in self.config: c, o = e if(c == config): matches.append((c, o)) return matches
[docs] def getConfigIgnoreComments(self, config): """ Returns a list of call configs with the given title. Comments are ignored. """ matches = [] # Search through the config array for matches for e in self.config: c, o = e if(isMatchIgnoreComments(c, config)): matches.append((c, o)) return matches
[docs] def existsConfig(self, config, options): """Tests if the (config, options) is in the current config file.""" # Search through the config array for matches config = stringify(config) options = stringify(options) for e in self.config: c, o = e if(c == config and o == options): return True return False
[docs] def addConfigs(self, configs): """ Adds a list of tuples to our config """ for e in configs: c, o = e self.addConfig(c, o)
[docs] def delConfigs(self, configs): """ Adds a list of tuples to our config """ for e in configs: c, o = e self.delConfig(c, o)
[docs] def addConfig(self, config, options): """Adds the tuple to our config.""" if (not self.existsConfig(config, options)): self.config.append((config, options))
[docs] def delConfig(self, config, options): """Finds a match to the config input and removes it from the internal config data structure.""" config = stringify(config) options = stringify(options) # Search through the config array for matches for i, e in enumerate(self.config): c, o = e if(c == config and o == options): break else: # Getting here means we didn't break so no match out.verbose('No match to delete, config: %r\n' % (config)) return del(self.config[i])
[docs] def backup(self, backupToken): """ Puts a backup of this config to the location specified in @backupPath. """ pdosq.makedirs(settings.UCI_BACKUP_DIR) backupPath = "{}/{}-{}".format(settings.UCI_BACKUP_DIR, self.myname, backupToken) pdos.copy(self.filepath, backupPath)
[docs] def restore(self, backupToken, saveBackup=True): """ Replaces real file (at /etc/config/*) with backup copy from /tmp/*-@backupToken location. Arguments: backupToken: The backup token appended at the end of the backup path saveBackup : A flag to keep a backup copy or delete it (default is keep backup) """ # Make sure it exists! backupPath = "{}/{}-{}".format(settings.UCI_BACKUP_DIR, self.myname, backupToken) if(pdos.exists(backupPath)): if(saveBackup): pdos.copy(backupPath, self.filepath) else: pdos.move(backupPath, self.filepath) else: # This might be ok if they didn't actually make any changes out.warn('Cannot restore, %s missing backup (might be OK if no changes made)\n' % (self.myname))
[docs] def getChuteConfigs(self, internalid): chuteConfigs = [] for e in self.config: c, o = e if (c.get('comment', '') == internalid): chuteConfigs.append((c,o)) return chuteConfigs
[docs] def save(self, backupToken="paradrop", internalid=None): """ Saves out the file in the proper format. Arguments: [backupPath] : Save a backup copy of the UCI file to the path provided. Should be a token name like 'backup', it gets appended with a hyphen. """ # Save original copy if(backupToken): self.backup(backupToken) output = "" output += "#" * 80 + "\n" output += "# Configuration file generated by paradrop-daemon\n".format(self.myname) output += "# Path: {}\n".format(self.filepath) output += "# Package: {}\n".format(self.myname) output += "#" * 80 + "\n" output += "\n" # Now generate what the file would look like for c, o in self.config: line = "config %s" % c['type'] # Check for optional name if 'name' in c: line += " %s" % c['name'] if 'comment' in c: line += " #%s" % c['comment'] output += "%s\n" % line for k, v in o.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, list): # For list-valued options, emit one line for each item # in the list. for vals in v: # Now append a list set to the config line = "\tlist %s '%s'\n" % (k, vals) output += line # Skip options that are None rather than writing "None". elif v is not None: sv = stringifyOptionValue(v) line = "\toption %s '%s'\n" % (k, sv) output += line # Now add one extra newline before the next set output += "\n" # Now write to disk try:'Saving %s to disk\n' % (self.filepath)) fd =, 'w') fd.write(output) # Guarantee that its written to disk before we close fd.flush() os.fsync(fd.fileno()) fd.close() except Exception as e: out.err('Unable to save new config %s, %s\n' % (self.filepath, str(e))) out.err('Config may be corrupted, backup exists at /tmp/%s\n' % (self.myname))
[docs] def readConfig(self): """Reads in the config file.""" lines = [] try: fd =, 'r') while(True): line = fd.readline() if(not line): break lines.append(line) fd.close() except Exception as e: out.err('Error reading file %s: %s\n' % (self.filepath, str(e))) raise e cfg = None opt = None data = [] # Now we have the data, deal with it for line in lines: line = line.strip() # If comment ignore if line.startswith('#'): continue l = getLineParts(line) # # Config # if(l[0] == 'config'): # Save last config we had if(cfg and opt): data.append((cfg, opt)) # start a new config cfg = {'type': l[1]} # Third element can be comment or name if(len(l) == 3): if (l[2].startswith('#')): cfg['comment'] = l[2][1:] else: cfg['name'] = l[2] elif (len(l) == 4): # Four elements, so third is name and 4th is comment cfg['name'] = l[2] cfg['comment'] = l[3][1:] opt = {} # # Options # elif(l[0] == 'option'): opt[l[1]] = l[2] # # List # elif(l[0] == 'list'): # Make sure the key exists and is a list. if l[1] not in opt: opt[l[1]] = [] elif not isinstance(opt[l[1]], list): # One line started with "option", another with "list". If # this is supposed to be a list, they should all start with # "list". raise Exception("Malformed UCI: mixed list/option lines") opt[l[1]].append(l[2]) else: # Also at the end of the loop, save the final config we were making # Make sure cfg,opt aren't None if(None not in (cfg, opt)): data.append((cfg, opt)) return data