Source code for paradrop.core.plan.hostconfig

# Copyright 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
# Authors: The Paradrop Team

This module generates update plans for a host configuration operation.  It is
separate from the modules that generate plans for chute operations because we
only need to do a subset of the operations.

from paradrop.base.output import out
from paradrop.core.config import airshark, devices, haproxy, network, configservice, hostconfig, osconfig, reservations, services, zerotier

from . import plangraph

# Update types that apply changes from host configuration.

[docs]def generatePlans(update): out.verbose("%r\n" % (update)) # Detect system devices and set up basic configuration for them (WAN # interface, wireless devices). These steps do not need to be reverted on # abort. # # checkSystemDevices may reboot the machine if expected devices are # missing. # # abortNetworkConfig is added as an abort command here so that it runs when # or just about anything else fails. # # reloadAll is added as an abort command here so that it runs when any of # the set* plans fail and back out. update.plans.addPlans(plangraph.STRUCT_GET_SYSTEM_DEVICES, (devices.getSystemDevices, ), (network.abortNetworkConfig, )) update.plans.addPlans(plangraph.CHECK_SYSTEM_DEVICES, (devices.checkSystemDevices, )) update.plans.addPlans(plangraph.STRUCT_GET_RESERVATIONS, (reservations.getReservations, )) update.plans.addPlans(plangraph.STRUCT_GET_HOST_CONFIG, (hostconfig.getHostConfig, )) # Save current network configuration into chute cache (key: 'networkInterfaces') update.plans.addPlans(plangraph.STRUCT_GET_INT_NETWORK, (network.getNetworkConfig, )) # Start haproxy. This does not depend on the host config, and we want # it setup even in cases where applying the host config failed. update.plans.addPlans(plangraph.RECONFIGURE_PROXY, (haproxy.reconfigureProxy, )) if update.updateType in CONFIG_CHANGING_TYPES: # Save current host configuration to disk. update.plans.addPlans(plangraph.STRUCT_SET_HOST_CONFIG, (hostconfig.setHostConfig, ), (hostconfig.revertHostConfig, )) # Apply host configuration to system configuration. update.plans.addPlans(plangraph.STRUCT_SET_SYSTEM_DEVICES, (devices.setSystemDevices, ), (configservice.reloadAll, )) # Apply zerotier configuration. update.plans.addPlans(plangraph.ZEROTIER_CONFIGURE, (zerotier.configure, )) # Apply Airshark configuration. update.plans.addPlans(plangraph.AIRSHARK_CONFIGURE, (airshark.configure, )) # Apply fix for systemd networkd wait online delay. update.plans.addPlans(plangraph.APPLY_WAIT_ONLINE_FIX, (osconfig.applyWaitOnlineFix, )) # Configure telemetry service. update.plans.addPlans(plangraph.TELEMETRY_SERVICE, (services.configure_telemetry, )) # Reload configuration files todoPlan = (configservice.reloadAll, ) update.plans.addPlans(plangraph.RUNTIME_RELOAD_CONFIG, todoPlan) # Reload configuration files if aborting. This needs to happen at the # right place in the update pipeline such that UCI files have been # restored to their previous contents. todoPlan = (configservice.reload_placeholder, ) abtPlan = (configservice.reloadAll, ) update.plans.addPlans(plangraph.RUNTIME_RELOAD_CONFIG_BACKOUT, todoPlan, abtPlan)