Source code for paradrop.core.container.dockerfile

This module generates a Dockerfile for use with light chutes.

import os
import platform
import re

import six

from io import BytesIO

from paradrop.lib.utils.template import TemplateFormatter

# Map requested image names to officially supported images in Docker Hub.
    "go": "golang:1.11",
    "gradle": "gradle:4.2",
    "maven": "maven:3.5",
    "node": "node:8.13",
    "python2": "python:2.7",
    "python3": "python:3.7"

# Map machine names to officially supported architecture names in Docker Hub.
    "armv7l": "arm32v7",
    "i486": "i386",
    "i586": "i386",
    "i686": "i386",
    "x86_64": "amd64"

[docs]def get_target_image(requested): if requested in TARGET_IMAGE_MAP: return TARGET_IMAGE_MAP[requested] else: return requested
[docs]def get_target_machine(): machine = platform.machine() if machine in TARGET_MACHINE_MAP: return TARGET_MACHINE_MAP[machine] else: return machine
[docs]class Dockerfile(object): requiredFields = ["image", "command"] def __init__(self, service): """ service: Service object containing configuration for the image. """ self.service = service
[docs] def getBytesIO(self): """ Geterate a Dockerfile and return as a BytesIO object. """ data = self.getString() return BytesIO(data.encode("utf-8"))
[docs] def readTemplate(self, language): dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) path = os.path.join(dirname, "templates/Dockerfile-{}.txt".format(language)) if not os.path.isfile(path): raise Exception("No Dockerfile template for {}".format(language)) with open(path, "r") as source: return
[docs] def getString(self): """ Generate a Dockerfile as a multi-line string. """ # Required fields for generating Dockerfile. # Developer tells us what language pack to use and what command to run. language = self.service.image command = self.service.command # Extra build options. build = # image_source = build.get("image_source", "paradrop") # image_version = build.get("image_version", "latest") packages = build.get("packages", []) as_root = self.service.requests.get("as-root", False) # Example base image: amd64/node:8.13 from_image = "{}/{}".format(get_target_machine(), get_target_image(language)) if isinstance(command, six.string_types): cmd_string = command elif isinstance(command, list): cmd_string = "[{}]".format(",".join( "\"{}\"".format(v) for v in command)) else: raise Exception("command must be either a string or list of strings") template = self.readTemplate(language) formatter = TemplateFormatter() dockerfile = formatter.format(template, cmd=cmd_string, drop_root=not as_root, has_packages=len(packages) > 0, image=from_image, packages=" ".join(packages)) return dockerfile
[docs] def isValid(self): """ Check if configuration is valid. Returns a tuple (True/False, None or str). """ # Check required fields. for field in Dockerfile.requiredFields: if getattr(self.service, field, None) is None: return (False, "Missing required field {}".format(field)) command = self.service.command if not isinstance(command, six.string_types + (list, )): return (False, "Command must be either a string or list of strings") packages ="packages", []) if not isinstance(packages, list): return (False, "Packages must be specified as a list") for pkg in packages: if"\s", pkg): return (False, "Package name ({}) contains whitespace".format(pkg)) return (True, None)
[docs] def writeFile(self, path): """ Generate Dockerfile and write to a file. """ data = self.getString() with open(path, "w") as output: output.write(data)