Source code for paradrop.core.config.haproxy

This module is responsible for configuration haproxy.
import os
import subprocess

from paradrop.base import settings
from paradrop.core.chute.chute_storage import ChuteStorage
from paradrop.core.container.chutecontainer import ChuteContainer

[docs]def generateConfigSections(): sections = [] sections.append({ "header": "global", "lines": [ "daemon", "maxconn 256", ] }) sections.append({ "header": "defaults", "lines": [ "mode http", "timeout connect 5000ms", "timeout client 50000ms", "timeout server 50000ms" ] }) sections.append({ "header": "backend portal", "lines": [ "server pd_portal maxconn 256" ] }) # Custom variables: # - req.querymarker: will be set to the literal "?" if the original request # contains a query string. We will use this to construct a redirect with a # query string only if needed. # - req.subpath: will be set to the remainder of the path, if anything, # after removing /chutes/<chutename>, e.g. "/chutes/hello-world/index.html" # becomes "/index.html". This does not include the query string. frontend = { "header": "frontend http-in", "lines": [ "bind *:80", "default_backend portal", "http-request set-var(req.querymarker) str(?) if { query -m found }", "http-request set-var(req.subpath) path,regsub(^/chutes/[^/]+,)" ] } sections.append(frontend) chuteStore = ChuteStorage() chutes = chuteStore.getChuteList() for chute in chutes: port, service = chute.get_web_port_and_service() if port is None or service is None: continue container = ChuteContainer(service.get_container_name()) if not container.isRunning(): continue # Generate a rule that matches HTTP host header to chute name. frontend['lines'].append("acl host_{} hdr(host) -i {}".format(, frontend['lines'].append("use_backend {} if host_{}".format(, # Generate rules that matches the beginning of the URL. # We need to be careful and either have an exact match # or make sure there is a slash or question mark after the chute name # to avoid mix-ups, e.g. "sticky-board" and "sticky-board-new". frontend['lines'].append("acl path_{} url /chutes/{}".format(, frontend['lines'].append("acl path_{} url_beg /chutes/{}/".format(, frontend['lines'].append("acl path_{} url_beg /chutes/{}?".format(, # Try to find a host binding for the web port to redirect: # http://<host addr>/chutes/<chute>/<path> -> # http://<host addr>:<chute port>/<path> # # We need to do a lookup because the host port might be dynamically # assigned by Docker. # # Use HTTP code 302 for the redirect, which will not be cached by the # web browser. The port portion of the URL can change whenever the # chute restarts, so we don't want web browsers to cache it. Browsers # will cache a 301 (Moved Permanently) response. portconf = container.getPortConfiguration(port, "tcp") if len(portconf) > 0: # TODO: Are there other elements in the list? binding = portconf[0] frontend['lines'].append("http-request redirect location http://%[req.hdr(host)]:{}%[var(req.subpath)]%[var(req.querymarker)]%[query] code 302 if path_{}".format( binding['HostPort'], # Add a server at the chute's IP address. sections.append({ "header": "backend {}".format(, "lines": [ "server {} {}:{} maxconn 256".format(, container.getIP(), port) ] }) return sections
[docs]def writeConfigFile(output): sections = generateConfigSections() for section in sections: output.write(section['header'] + "\n") for line in section['lines']: output.write(" " + line + "\n") output.write("\n")
[docs]def reconfigureProxy(update): """ Reconfigure haproxy with forwarding and redirect rules. """ confFile = os.path.join(settings.RUNTIME_HOME_DIR, "haproxy.conf") pidFile = os.path.join(settings.TMP_DIR, "") with open(confFile, "w") as output: writeConfigFile(output) cmd = ["haproxy", "-f", confFile, "-p", pidFile] if os.path.exists(pidFile): with open(pidFile, "r") as source: pid = cmd.extend(["-sf", pid])