Source code for paradrop.base.settings

# Copyright 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
# Authors: The Paradrop Team

    This file contains any settings required by ANY and ALL modules of the paradrop system.
    They are defaulted to some particular value and can be called by any module in the paradrop
    system with the following code:

        from paradrop import settings

    These settings can be overriden by a KYE:VALUE array

    If settings need to be changed, they should be done so by the initialization code
    (such as pdfcd, pdfc_config, etc...)

    This is done by calling the following function:

import os
import sys
import types
import ConfigParser

from . import constants

# VERBOSE = False

CONFIG_HOME_DIR = '/etc/paradrop/'
RUNTIME_HOME_DIR = '/var/run/paradrop/'
TMP_DIR = '/tmp'

# paths to store daemon related information

# pdserver
WAMP_ROUTER = "ws://"

# pdfcd

# fc

# uci
# These should be in a persistent directory (not /var/run, /tmp, etc.) because
# we expect to find them at startup.
UCI_BACKUP_DIR = CONFIG_HOME_DIR + "uci/config-backup.d/"

# local portal

# Local domain - this domain and subdomains will be resolved to the router so
# that chutes and their users can access it by name.

# hostconfig
HOST_CONFIG_FILE = "/etc/paradrop/hostconfig.yaml"
DEFAULT_HOST_CONFIG_FILE = "/etc/paradrop/hostconfig.default.yaml"

# Chute data directory is used to provide persistence for chute data.
# The developer can store files here and they will persist across chute
# updates and restarts (but not uninstallation).
# Note: we do not want this in SNAP_DATA because that path
# contains the snap version.  We want this path to stay constant across
# paradrop upgrades because chutes will have volumes mounted here.
# Internal is inside the chute; external is in the host.
EXTERNAL_DATA_DIR = "~/.paradrop/chute-data/{chute}/"

# System directory is used to share system information from the host
# down to the chute such as a list of devices connected to WiFi.  This
# is mounted read-only inside the chute.
# Internal is inside the chute; external is in the host.
INTERNAL_SYSTEM_DIR = "/paradrop/"
EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_DIR = "/var/run/paradrop/system/{chute}/"
# TODO: for local mode?

# Username and password to access the private registry.
# TODO: The router should receive credentials from pdserver or use something
# unique like its API key.
REGISTRY_PASSWORD = "zai7geigh0ujahQu"

# Reject by default chute updates that would install an older version.  This
# has been set to False to fulfill the requirement that users be able to
# downgrade chutes.

DOCKER_BIN_DIR = "/usr/bin"

# Interface (e.g. Unix socket) to use to access snapd API.
SNAPD_INTERFACE = "/run/snapd.socket"

# Filename to search for in chute project directory for configuring how we
# build the chute.
CHUTE_CONFIG_FILE = "paradrop.yaml"

# UID for unprivileged containers.  File ownership on mounted volumes needs to
# be consistent between the container and host.

# Directory containing Airshark installation ('airshark' binary and
# '' script).
AIRSHARK_INSTALL_DIR = "/snap/airshark/current"

# Boolean flag to enable/disable concurrent builds for Docker images.  If
# enabled, the update pipeline will yield during a build to allow another
# update to make progress. This should improve the experience for multi-user
# access, but the interleaving of updates could cause subtle issues.

# Boolean flag to enable/disable monitor mode interfaces for chutes. This is by
# default disabled because monitor mode interfaces are dangerous.  They enable
# malicious chutes to record network traffic, and furthermore, the feature
# itself is experimental. There may be issues with kernel drivers or our
# implementation that cause system instability.

# Helper functions

[docs]def iterate_module_attributes(module): """ Iterate over the attributes in a module. This is a generator function. Returns (name, value) tuples. """ for name in dir(module): # Ignore fields marked as private or builtin. if name.startswith('_'): continue value = getattr(module, name) # Ignore callable objects (functions) and loaded modules. if callable(value) or isinstance(value, types.ModuleType): continue yield (name, value)
[docs]def load_from_file(path): """ Load settings from an INI file. This will check the configuration file for a lowercase version of all of the settings in this module. It will look in a section called "base". The example below will set PORTAL_SERVER_PORT. [base] portal_server_port = 4444 """ config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() mod = sys.modules[__name__] for name, _ in iterate_module_attributes(mod): # Check if lowercase version exists in the file and load the # appropriately-typed value. key = name.lower() if config.has_option(constants.BASE_SETTINGS_SECTION, key): value = config.get(constants.BASE_SETTINGS_SECTION, key) setattr(mod, name, parseValue(value))
[docs]def parseValue(key): """ Attempts to parse the key value, so if the string is 'False' it will parse a boolean false. :param key: the key to parse :type key: string :returns: the parsed key. """ # Is it a boolean? if(key == 'True' or key == 'true'): return True if(key == 'False' or key == 'false'): return False # Is it None? if(key == 'None' or key == 'none'): return None # Is it a float? if('.' in key): try: f = float(key) return f except: pass # Is it an int? try: i = int(key) return i except: pass # TODO: check if json # Otherwise, its just a string: return key
[docs]def updatePaths(configHomeDir, runtimeHomeDir="/var/run/paradrop"): # Get a handle to our settings defined above mod = sys.modules[__name__] mod.CONFIG_HOME_DIR = configHomeDir mod.RUNTIME_HOME_DIR = runtimeHomeDir mod.FC_CHUTESTORAGE_FILE = os.path.join(mod.CONFIG_HOME_DIR, "chutes") mod.EXTERNAL_DATA_DIR = os.path.join(mod.CONFIG_HOME_DIR, "chute-data/{chute}/") mod.EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_DIR = os.path.join(runtimeHomeDir, "system", "{chute}") mod.LOG_DIR = os.path.join(mod.CONFIG_HOME_DIR, "logs/") mod.KEY_DIR = os.path.join(mod.CONFIG_HOME_DIR, "keys/") mod.MISC_DIR = os.path.join(mod.CONFIG_HOME_DIR, "misc/") mod.CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(mod.CONFIG_HOME_DIR, "config") mod.HOST_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(mod.CONFIG_HOME_DIR, "hostconfig.yaml") mod.DEFAULT_HOST_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(mod.CONFIG_HOME_DIR, "hostconfig.default.yaml") mod.UCI_CONFIG_DIR = os.path.join(mod.CONFIG_HOME_DIR, "uci/config.d/") mod.UCI_BACKUP_DIR = os.path.join(mod.CONFIG_HOME_DIR, "uci/config-backup.d/") mod.PDCONFD_WRITE_DIR = os.path.join(mod.RUNTIME_HOME_DIR, 'pdconfd')
[docs]def loadSettings(mode="local", slist=[]): """ Take a list of key:value pairs, and replace any setting defined. Also search through the settings module and see if any matching environment variables exist to replace as well. :param slist: the list of key:val settings :type slist: array. :returns: None """ # Get a handle to our settings defined above mod = sys.modules[__name__] # Adjust default paths if we are running under ubuntu snappy snapCommonPath = os.environ.get("SNAP_COMMON", None) snapDataPath = os.environ.get("SNAP_DATA", None) # Directories where we might find a settings.ini file. settings_file_dirs = [".", "/etc"] if mode == "local": updatePaths(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".paradrop/"), "/tmp/.paradrop/") mod.HOST_DATA_PARTITION = mod.CONFIG_HOME_DIR elif mode == "unittest": updatePaths("/tmp/.paradrop-test/", "/tmp/.paradrop-test/") mod.HOST_DATA_PARTITION = mod.CONFIG_HOME_DIR elif snapCommonPath is not None: settings_file_dirs.append(snapCommonPath) updatePaths(snapCommonPath, snapDataPath) mod.HOST_DATA_PARTITION = "/writable" mod.DOCKER_BIN_DIR = "/snap/bin" for x in [mod.LOG_DIR, mod.KEY_DIR, mod.MISC_DIR]: if not os.path.exists(x): os.makedirs(x) # First overwrite settings they may have provided with the arg list for kv in slist: k, v = kv.split(':', 1) # We can either replace an existing setting, or set a new value, we don't care setattr(mod, k, parseValue(v)) # Next check for settings from file(s) which may be located in a few # different directories. for d in settings_file_dirs: path = os.path.join(d, constants.SETTINGS_FILE_NAME) load_from_file(path) # Now search through our settings and look for environment variable matches # they defined. Environment variables override all other sources. for name, _ in iterate_module_attributes(mod): # Check for an environment variable matching the setting. value = os.environ.get(name, None) if value is not None: setattr(mod, name, parseValue(value))