Source code for paradrop.core.config.devices

Detect physical devices that can be used by chutes.

This module detects physical devices (for now just network interfaces) that can
be used by chutes.  This includes WAN interfaces for Internet connectivity and
WiFi interfaces which can host APs.

It also makes sure certain entries exist in the system UCI files for these
devices, for example "wifi-device" sections.  These are shared between chutes,
so they only need to be added when missing.

import netifaces
import itertools
import operator
import os
import re
import subprocess

from paradrop.base.output import out
from paradrop.base import settings
from paradrop.base.exceptions import DeviceNotFoundException
from paradrop.lib.utils import datastruct, pdos, uci
from paradrop.core.config import uciutils

IEEE80211_DIR = "/sys/class/ieee80211"
SYS_DIR = "/sys/class/net"
EXCLUDE_IFACES = set(["lo"])

# Strings that identify a virtual interface.
VIF_MARKERS = [".", "veth"]

# Matches various ways of specifying WiFi devices (phy0, wlan0).
WIFI_DEV_REF = re.compile("([a-z]+)(\d+)")

# Set of wifi-interface mode values that are handled by Paradrop rather than
# UCI configuration system.
WIFI_NONSTANDARD_MODES = set(["airshark"])

[docs]def isVirtual(ifname): """ Test if an interface is a virtual one. FIXME: This just tests for the presence of certain strings in the interface name, so it is not very robust. """ for marker in VIF_MARKERS: if marker in ifname: return True return False
[docs]def isWAN(ifname): """ Test if an interface is a WAN interface. """ pattern = re.compile(r"(\w+)\s+(\w+)*") routeList = pdos.readFile("/proc/net/route") for line in routeList: match = pattern.match(line) if match is not None and \ == ifname and \ == "00000000": return True return False
[docs]def isWireless(ifname): """ Test if an interface is a wireless device. """ check_path = "{}/{}/wireless".format(SYS_DIR, ifname) return pdos.exists(check_path)
[docs]def detectSystemDevices(): """ Detect devices on the system. The result is three lists stored in a dictionary. The three lists are indexed by 'wan', 'wifi', and 'lan'. Other devices may be supported by adding additional lists. Within each list, a device is represented by a dictionary. For all devices, the 'name' and 'mac' fields are defined. For WiFi devices, the 'phy' is defined in addition. Later, we may fill in more device information (e.g. what channels a WiFi card supports). """ devices = dict() devices['wan'] = list() devices['wifi'] = list() devices['lan'] = list() for dev in listSystemDevices(): devices[dev['type']].append(dev) del dev['type'] return devices
[docs]def readSysFile(path): try: with open(path, 'r') as source: return except: return None
[docs]def getMACAddress(ifname): path = "{}/{}/address".format(SYS_DIR, ifname) return readSysFile(path)
[docs]def getPhyMACAddress(phy): path = "{}/{}/macaddress".format(IEEE80211_DIR, phy) return readSysFile(path)
[docs]def getWirelessPhyName(ifname): path = "{}/{}/phy80211/name".format(SYS_DIR, ifname) return readSysFile(path)
[docs]class SysReader(object): PCI_BUS_ID = re.compile(r"\d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+") USB_BUS_ID = re.compile(r"\d+\-\d+(\.\d+)*:\d+\.\d+") def __init__(self, phy): self.phy = phy self.device_path = "{}/{}/device".format(IEEE80211_DIR, phy)
[docs] def getDeviceId(self, default="????"): """ Return the device ID for the device. This is a four-digit hexadecimal number. For example, our Qualcomm 802.11n chips have device ID 002a. """ path = os.path.join(self.device_path, "device") device = readSysFile(path) if device is None: device = default return device
[docs] def getSlotName(self, default="????"): """ Return the PCI/USB slot name for the device. Example: "pci/0000:04:00.0" or "usb/1-1:1.0" """ path = os.path.join(self.device_path, "driver") for fname in os.listdir(path): match = SysReader.PCI_BUS_ID.match(fname) if match is not None: return "pci/" + fname match = SysReader.USB_BUS_ID.match(fname) if match is not None: return "usb/" + fname return default
[docs] def getVendorId(self, default="????"): """ Return the vendor ID for the device. This is a four-digit hexadecimal number. For example, our Qualcomm 802.11n chips have vendor ID 168c. """ path = os.path.join(self.device_path, "vendor") vendor = readSysFile(path) if vendor is None: vendor = default return vendor
[docs] def read_uevent(self): """ Read the device uevent file and return the contents as a dictionary. """ result = dict() path = os.path.join(self.device_path, "uevent") with open(path, "r") as source: for line in source: key, value = line.split("=") result[key] = value return result
[docs]def listWiFiDevices(): # Collect information about the physical devices (e.g. phy0 -> MAC address, # device type, PCI slot, etc.) and store as objects in a dictionary. devices = dict() try: for phy in pdos.listdir(IEEE80211_DIR): mac = getPhyMACAddress(phy) reader = SysReader(phy) devices[phy] = { 'name': "wifi{}".format(mac.replace(':', '')), 'type': 'wifi', 'mac': mac, 'phy': phy, 'vendor': reader.getVendorId(), 'device': reader.getDeviceId(), 'slot': reader.getSlotName() } except OSError: # If we get an error here, it probably just means there are no WiFi # devices. pass # Collect a list of interfaces corresponding to each physical device # (e.g. phy0 -> wlan0, vwlan0.0000, etc.) interfaces = dict((dev, []) for dev in devices.keys()) for ifname in pdos.listdir(SYS_DIR): try: path = "{}/{}/phy80211/name".format(SYS_DIR, ifname) phy = readSysFile(path) path = "{}/{}/ifindex".format(SYS_DIR, ifname) ifindex = int(readSysFile(path)) interfaces[phy].append({ 'ifname': ifname, 'ifindex': ifindex }) except: # Error probably means it was not a wireless interface. pass # Sort by ifindex to identify the primary interface, which is the one that # was created when the device was first added. We make use the fact that # Linux uses monotonically increasing ifindex values. for phy, device in devices.iteritems(): if len(interfaces[phy]) > 0: interfaces[phy].sort(key=operator.itemgetter('ifindex')) device['primary_interface'] = interfaces[phy][0]['ifname'] else: device['primary_interface'] = None # Finally, sort the device list by PCI/USB slot to create an ordering that # is stable across device reboots and somewhat stable across hardware # swaps. result = devices.values() result.sort(key=operator.itemgetter('slot')) pci_index = 0 usb_index = 0 for dev in result: if dev['slot'].startswith("pci"): dev['id'] = "pci-wifi-{}".format(pci_index) pci_index += 1 elif dev['slot'].startswith("usb"): dev['id'] = "usb-wifi-{}".format(usb_index) usb_index += 1 return result
[docs]def listSystemDevices(): """ Detect devices on the system. The result is a single list of dictionaries, each containing information about a network device. """ devices = list() detectedWifi = set() for ifname in pdos.listdir(SYS_DIR): if ifname in EXCLUDE_IFACES: continue # Only want to detect physical interfaces. if isVirtual(ifname): continue # More special cases to ignore for now. if ifname.startswith("br"): continue if ifname.startswith("docker"): continue if ifname.startswith("sit"): continue dev = { 'name': ifname, 'mac': getMACAddress(ifname) } if isWAN(ifname): dev['type'] = 'wan' elif isWireless(ifname): # Detect wireless devices separately. continue else: dev['type'] = 'lan' devices.append(dev) wifi_devices = listWiFiDevices() devices.extend(wifi_devices) return devices
[docs]def resetWirelessDevice(phy, primary_interface): """ Reset a wireless device's interfaces to clean state. This will rename, delete, or add an interface as necessary to make sure only the primary interface exists, e.g. "wlan0" for a wireless device, e.g. phy0. """ primaryExists = False renameOrRemove = list() for ifname in pdos.listdir(SYS_DIR): if ifname in EXCLUDE_IFACES: continue if getWirelessPhyName(ifname) == phy: if ifname == primary_interface: primaryExists = True else: renameOrRemove.append(ifname) for ifname in renameOrRemove: if primaryExists: cmd = ['iw', 'dev', ifname, 'del'] else: cmd = ['ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', ifname, 'down', 'name', primary_interface] primaryExists = True if not primaryExists: cmd = ['iw', 'phy', phy, 'interface', 'add', primary_interface, 'type', 'managed']
[docs]def flushWirelessInterfaces(phy): """ Remove all virtual interfaces associated with a wireless device. This should be used before giving a chute exclusive access to a device (e.g. monitor mode), so that it does not inherit unexpected interfaces. """ for ifname in pdos.listdir(SYS_DIR): if ifname in EXCLUDE_IFACES: continue if getWirelessPhyName(ifname) == phy: cmd = ['iw', 'dev', ifname, 'del']
[docs]def setConfig(chuteName, sections, filepath): cfgFile = uci.UCIConfig(filepath) # Set the name in the comment field. for config, options in sections: config['comment'] = chuteName oldSections = cfgFile.getChuteConfigs(chuteName) if not uci.chuteConfigsMatch(oldSections, sections): cfgFile.delConfigs(oldSections) cfgFile.addConfigs(sections)"paradrop", internalid=chuteName) else: # Save a backup of the file even though there were no changes. cfgFile.backup(backupToken="paradrop")
# # Chute update functions #
[docs]def getSystemDevices(update): """ Detect devices on the system. Store device information in cache key "networkDevices" as well as "networkDevicesByName". """ devices = detectSystemDevices() devicesByName = dict() for dtype, dlist in devices.iteritems(): for dev in dlist: name = dev['name'] if name in devicesByName: out.warn("Multiple network devices named {}".format(name)) devicesByName[name] = dev'networkDevices', devices)'networkDevicesByName', devicesByName)
[docs]def readHostconfigWifi(wifi, networkDevices, builder): for dev in wifi: # The preferred method is to use the id field, which could contain many # different kinds of identifiers (MAC address, phy, interface, or # index), and use the resolveWirelessDevRef to produce a MAC # address-based name. resolve that to a MAC address-based name. Most # importantly, index-based names here mean host configurations can be # copied to different machines, but then resolved unambiguously to # devices. # # We can also a few other forms of identification from older # configuration files (macaddr, phy, or interface) and convert to # MAC-based name. if 'id' in dev: resolved = resolveWirelessDevRef(dev['id'], networkDevices) mac = resolved['mac'] elif 'macaddr' in dev: mac = dev['macaddr'] elif 'phy' in dev: mac = getPhyMACAddress(dev['phy']) elif 'interface' in dev: phy = getWirelessPhyName(dev['interface']) mac = getPhyMACAddress(phy) else: raise Exception("Missing name or address field in wifi device definition.") name = "wifi{}".format(mac.replace(":", "")) # We want to copy over all fields except name, interface, and phy. options = dev.copy() for key in ['id', 'interface', 'phy']: if key in options: del options[key] # Make sure macaddr is specified because that is the based way for # pdconf to identify the device. options['macaddr'] = mac # If type is missing, then add it because it is a required field. if 'type' not in options: options['type'] = 'auto' builder.add("wireless", "wifi-device", options, name=name)
[docs]def resolveWirelessDevRef(name, networkDevices): """ Resolve a WiFi device reference (wlan0, phy0, 00:11:22:33:44:55, etc.) to the name of the device section as used by pdconf (wifiXXXXXXXXXXXX). Unambiguous naming is preferred going forward (either wifiXX or the MAC address), but to maintain backward compatibility, we attempt to resolve either wlanX or phyX to the MAC address of the device that currently uses that name. """ for device in networkDevices['wifi']: # Construct a set of accepted identifiers for this device. identifiers = set() # MAC-based identifiers, e.g. wifi001122334455 or 00:11:22:33:44:55 identifiers.add(device['name']) identifiers.add(device['mac']) # Index-based with deterministic ordering, e.g. pci-wifi-0 identifiers.add(device['id']) # Ambiguous identifiers, e.g. phy0 or wlan0 identifiers.add(device['phy']) if device['primary_interface'] is not None: identifiers.add(device['primary_interface']) # If the given name matches anything in the current set, return the # device name. if name in identifiers: return device raise DeviceNotFoundException("Could not resolve wireless device {}".format(name))
[docs]def readHostconfigWifiInterfaces(wifiInterfaces, networkDevices, builder): for iface in wifiInterfaces: # We handle nonstandard modes (e.g. Airshark) separately rather than # through the UCI system. if iface.get('mode', None) in WIFI_NONSTANDARD_MODES: continue options = iface.copy() # There are various ways the host configuration file may have specified # the WiFi device (wlan0, phy0, pci-wifi-0, 00:11:22:33:44:55, etc.). # Try to resolve that to a device name that pdconf will recognize. try: device = resolveWirelessDevRef(options['device'], networkDevices) options['device'] = device['name'] except: pass builder.add("wireless", "wifi-iface", options)
[docs]def handleMissingWiFi(hostConfig): """ Take appropriate action in response to missing WiFi devices. Depending on the host configuration, we may either emit a warning or reboot the system. """ # Missing WiFi devices - check what we should do. action = datastruct.getValue(hostConfig, "system.onMissingWiFi") if action == "reboot": out.warn("Missing WiFi devices, system will be rebooted.") cmd = ["shutdown", "-r", "now"] elif action == "warn": out.warn("Missing WiFi devices.")
[docs]def checkSystemDevices(update): """ Check whether expected devices are present. This may reboot the machine if devices are missing and the host config is set to do that. """ devices ='networkDevices') hostConfig ='hostConfig') if len(devices['wifi']) == 0: handleMissingWiFi(hostConfig)
[docs]def readHostconfigVlan(vlanInterfaces, builder): for interface in vlanInterfaces: name = interface['name'] options = { 'proto': interface['proto'] } if interface['proto'] == 'static': options['ipaddr'] = interface['ipaddr'] options['netmask'] = interface['netmask'] # TODO: Support VLANs on interfaces other than the lan bridge. ifname = "br-lan.{}".format(interface['id']) options['ifname'] = [ifname] builder.add("network", "interface", options, name=name) if 'dhcp' in interface: dhcp = interface['dhcp'] options = {} options['interface'] = [name] builder.add("dhcp", "dnsmasq", options) options = { 'interface': name, 'start': dhcp['start'], 'limit': dhcp['limit'], 'leasetime': dhcp['leasetime'] } builder.add("dhcp", "dhcp", options, name=name) # Allow DNS requests. options = { 'src': name, 'proto': 'udp', 'dest_port': 53, 'target': 'ACCEPT' } builder.add("firewall", "rule", options) # Allow DHCP requests. options = { 'src': name, 'proto': 'udp', 'dest_port': 67, 'target': 'ACCEPT' } builder.add("firewall", "rule", options) # Make a zone entry with defaults. options = datastruct.getValue(interface, "firewall.defaults", {}).copy() options['name'] = name options['network'] = [name] builder.add("firewall", "zone", options) # Add forwarding entries. rules = datastruct.getValue(interface, "firewall.forwarding", []) for rule in rules: builder.add("firewall", "forwarding", rule) rules = datastruct.getValue(interface, "firewall.rules", []) for rule in rules: builder.add("firewall", "rule", rule)
[docs]class UCIBuilder(object): """ UCIBuilder helps aggregate UCI configuration sections for writing to files. """ FILES = ["dhcp", "network", "firewall", "wireless", "qos"] def __init__(self): self.contents = dict((f, []) for f in UCIBuilder.FILES)
[docs] def add(self, file_, type_, options, name=None): """ Add a new configuration section. """ config = {"type": type_} if name is not None: config['name'] = name self.contents[file_].append((config, options))
[docs] def getSections(self, file_): """ Get sections associated with a single file. Returns: list of tuples, [(config, options)] """ return self.contents[file_]
[docs] def write(self): """ Write all of the configuration sections to files. """ for f in UCIBuilder.FILES: setConfig(settings.RESERVED_CHUTE, self.contents[f], uci.getSystemPath(f))
[docs]def select_brlan_address(hostConfig): """ Select IP address and netmask to use for LAN bridge. Behavior depends on the proto field, which can either be 'auto' or 'static'. When proto is set to 'auto', we check the WAN interface address and choose either or to avoid conflict. Otherwise, when proto is set to 'static', we use the specified address. """ proto = datastruct.getValue(hostConfig, 'lan.proto', 'auto') netmask = datastruct.getValue(hostConfig, 'lan.netmask', '') wan_ifname = datastruct.getValue(hostConfig, 'wan.interface', 'eth0') if proto == 'auto': addresses = netifaces.ifaddresses(wan_ifname) ipv4_addrs = addresses.get(netifaces.AF_INET, []) if any(x['addr'].startswith("10.") for x in ipv4_addrs): return "", netmask else: return "", netmask else: return hostConfig['lan']['ipaddr'], netmask
[docs]def setSystemDevices(update): """ Initialize system configuration files. This section should only be run for host configuration updates. Creates basic sections that all chutes require such as the "wan" interface. """ hostConfig ='hostConfig') networkDevices ='networkDevices') networkDevicesByName ='networkDevicesByName') builder = UCIBuilder() # This section defines the default input, output, and forward policies for # the firewall. options = datastruct.getValue(hostConfig, "firewall.defaults", {}) builder.add("firewall", "defaults", options) def zoneFirewallSettings(name): # Create zone entry with defaults (input, output, forward policies and # other configuration). # # Make a copy of the object from hostconfig because we modify it. options = datastruct.getValue(hostConfig, name+".firewall.defaults", {}).copy() options['name'] = name options['network'] = [name] builder.add("firewall", "zone", options) # Add forwarding entries (rules that allow traffic to move from one # zone to another). rules = datastruct.getValue(hostConfig, name+".firewall.forwarding", []) for rule in rules: builder.add("firewall", "forwarding", rule) if 'wan' in hostConfig: options = dict() options['ifname'] = hostConfig['wan']['interface'] options['proto'] = "dhcp" builder.add("network", "interface", options, name="wan") zoneFirewallSettings("wan") options = { "enabled": 0 } builder.add("qos", "interface", options, name="wan") if 'lan' in hostConfig: options = dict() options['type'] = "bridge" options['bridge_empty'] = "1" options['proto'] = 'static' options['ipaddr'], options['netmask'] = select_brlan_address(hostConfig) options['ifname'] = hostConfig['lan']['interfaces'] builder.add("network", "interface", options, name="lan") if 'dhcp' in hostConfig['lan']: dhcp = hostConfig['lan']['dhcp'] options = { 'interface': 'lan', 'domain': settings.LOCAL_DOMAIN } builder.add("dhcp", "dnsmasq", options) options = { 'interface': 'lan', 'start': dhcp['start'], 'limit': dhcp['limit'], 'leasetime': dhcp['leasetime'] } builder.add("dhcp", "dhcp", options, name="lan") options = { 'name': settings.LOCAL_DOMAIN, 'ip': hostConfig['lan']['ipaddr'] } builder.add("dhcp", "domain", options) zoneFirewallSettings("lan") options = { "enabled": 0 } builder.add("qos", "interface", options, name="lan") # Automatically generate loopback section. There is generally not much to # configure for loopback, but we could add support to the host # configuration. options = { 'ifname': ['lo'], 'proto': 'static', 'ipaddr': '', 'netmask': '' } builder.add("network", "interface", options, name="loopback") options = { 'name': 'loopback', 'masq': '0', 'conntrack': '1', 'input': 'ACCEPT', 'forward': 'ACCEPT', 'output': 'ACCEPT', 'network': ['loopback'] } builder.add("firewall", "zone", options) wifi = hostConfig.get('wifi', []) try: readHostconfigWifi(wifi, networkDevices, builder) except DeviceNotFoundException as error: handleMissingWiFi(hostConfig) wifiInterfaces = hostConfig.get('wifi-interfaces', []) readHostconfigWifiInterfaces(wifiInterfaces, networkDevices, builder) vlanInterfaces = hostConfig.get('vlan-interfaces', []) readHostconfigVlan(vlanInterfaces, builder) # Add additional firewall rules. rules = datastruct.getValue(hostConfig, "firewall.rules", []) for rule in rules: builder.add("firewall", "rule", rule) # Write all of the changes to UCI files at once. builder.write()