Source code for paradrop.core.agent.http

import base64
import json
import pycurl
import re
import urllib

from StringIO import StringIO

import twisted
from twisted.internet import reactor, threads
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, DeferredLock, DeferredSemaphore
from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionDone
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol
from twisted.web.client import Agent, FileBodyProducer, HTTPConnectionPool, Response
from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers

from paradrop.base import nexus, settings

[docs]class JSONReceiver(Protocol): """ JSON Receiver A JSONReceiver object can be used with the twisted HTTP client to receive data from a request and provide it to a callback function when complete. Example (response came from an HTTP request): finished = Deferred() response.deliverBody(JSONReceiver(finished)) finished.addCallback(func_that_takes_result) Some error conditions will result in the callback firing with a result of None. The receiver needs to check for this. This seems to occur on 403 errors where the server does not return any data, but twisted just passes us a ResponseDone object the same type as a normal result. """ def __init__(self, response, finished): """ response: a twisted Response object finished: a Deferred object """ self.response = response self.finished = finished = ""
[docs] def dataReceived(self, data): """ internal: handles incoming data. """ += data
[docs] def connectionLost(self, reason): """ internal: handles connection close events. """ if reason.check(twisted.web.client.ResponseDone): try: result = json.loads( except ValueError: result = None self.finished.callback(PDServerResponse(self.response, data=result)) else: raise Exception(reason.getErrorMessage())
[docs]def urlEncodeParams(data): """ Return data URL-encoded. This function specifically handles None and boolean values to convert them to JSON-friendly strings (e.g. None -> 'null'). """ copy = dict() for key, value in data.iteritems(): if value is None: copy[key] = 'null' elif isinstance(value, bool): copy[key] = json.dumps(value) else: copy[key] = value return urllib.urlencode(copy, doseq=True)
[docs]class PDServerResponse(object): """ A PDServerResponse object contains the results of a request to pdserver. This wraps twisted.web.client.Response (cannot be subclassed) and exposes the same variables in addition to a 'data' variables. The 'data' variable, if not None, is the parsed object from the response body. """ def __init__(self, response, data=None): self.version = response.version self.code = response.code self.phrase = response.phrase self.headers = response.headers self.length = response.length self.success = (response.code >= 200 and response.code < 300) = data
[docs]class HTTPResponse(object): def __init__(self, data=None): self.version = None self.code = None self.phrase = None self.headers = dict() self.length = None self.success = False = data
[docs]class HTTPRequestDriver(object): def __init__(self): self.headers = { "Accept": "application/json", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Content-Type": "application/json", "User-Agent": "ParaDrop/2.5" }
[docs] def request(self, method, url, body): raise Exception("Not implemented")
[docs] def setHeader(self, key, value): self.headers[key] = value
[docs]class CurlRequestDriver(HTTPRequestDriver): # Shared curl handle. # May have problems due to issue #411. # curl = pycurl.Curl() # Lock for the access to curl. lock = DeferredLock() code_pattern = re.compile("(HTTP\S*)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)") header_pattern = re.compile("(\S+): (.*)") def __init__(self): super(CurlRequestDriver, self).__init__() # Buffer for receiving response. self.buffer = StringIO() # Fill in response object. self.response = HTTPResponse()
[docs] def receive(self, ignore): """ Receive response from curl and convert it to a response object. """ data = self.buffer.getvalue() response = self.response # Try to parse the content if it's JSON. contentType = response.headers.get('content-type', 'text/html') if 'json' in contentType: try: = json.loads(data) except Exception as error: print("FAILED TO PARSE JSON CRAP") print(data) = data else: = data response.success = (response.code >= 200 and response.code < 300) return response
[docs] def receiveHeaders(self, header_line): header_line = header_line.strip() match = CurlRequestDriver.code_pattern.match(header_line) if match is not None: self.response.version = self.response.code = int( self.response.phrase = return match = CurlRequestDriver.header_pattern.match(header_line) if match is not None: key = self.response.headers[key] =
[docs] def request(self, method, url, body=None): def makeRequest(ignored): curl = CurlRequestDriver.curl curl.reset() curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, url) curl.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, self.receiveHeaders) curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, self.buffer.write) curl.setopt(pycurl.CUSTOMREQUEST, method) if body is not None: curl.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, body) headers = [] for key, value in self.headers.iteritems(): headers.append("{}: {}".format(key, value)) curl.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, headers) d = threads.deferToThread(curl.perform) d.addCallback(self.receive) return d def releaseLock(result): CurlRequestDriver.lock.release() # Forward the result to the next handler. return result d = CurlRequestDriver.lock.acquire() # Make the request once we acquire the semaphore. d.addCallback(makeRequest) # Release the semaphore regardless of how the request goes. d.addBoth(releaseLock) return d
[docs]class TwistedRequestDriver(HTTPRequestDriver): # Using a connection pool enables persistent connections, so we can avoid # the connection setup overhead when sending multiple messages to the # server. pool = HTTPConnectionPool(reactor, persistent=True) # Used to control the number of concurrent requests because # HTTPConnectionPool does not do that on its own. # Discussed here: # sem = DeferredSemaphore(settings.PDSERVER_MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS)
[docs] def receive(self, response): """ Receive response from twisted web client and convert it to a PDServerResponse object. """ deferred = Deferred() response.deliverBody(JSONReceiver(response, deferred)) return deferred
[docs] def request(self, method, url, body=None): def makeRequest(ignored): bodyProducer = None if body is not None: bodyProducer = FileBodyProducer(StringIO(body)) headers = {} for key, value in self.headers.iteritems(): headers[key] = [value] agent = Agent(reactor, pool=TwistedRequestDriver.pool) d = agent.request(method, url, Headers(headers), bodyProducer) d.addCallback(self.receive) return d def releaseSemaphore(result): TwistedRequestDriver.sem.release() # Forward the result to the next handler. return result d = TwistedRequestDriver.sem.acquire() # Make the request once we acquire the semaphore. d.addCallback(makeRequest) # Release the semaphore regardless of how the request goes. d.addBoth(releaseSemaphore) return d
[docs]class PDServerRequest(object): """ Make an HTTP request to pdserver. The API is assumed to use application/json for sending and receiving data. Authentication is automatically handled here if the router is provisioned. We handle missing, invalid, or expired tokens by making the request and detecting a 401 (Unauthorized) response. We request a new token and retry the failed request. We do this at most once and return failure if the second attempt returns anything other than 200 (OK). PDServerRequest objects are not reusable; create a new one for each request. URL String Substitutions: router_id -> router id Example: /routers/{router_id}/states -> /routers/halo06/states """ # Auth token (JWT): we will automatically request as needed (for the first # request and after expiration) and store the token in memory for future # requests. token = None def __init__(self, path, driver=TwistedRequestDriver, setAuthHeader=True): self.path = path self.driver = driver self.setAuthHeader = setAuthHeader self.transportRetries = 0 url = if not path.startswith('/'): url += '/' url += path # Perform string substitutions. self.url = url.format( self.body = None
[docs] def get(self, **query): self.method = 'GET' if len(query) > 0: self.url += '?' + urlEncodeParams(query) d = self.request() d.addCallback(self.receiveResponse) return d
[docs] def patch(self, *ops): """ Expects a list of operations in jsonpatch format ( An example operation would be: {'op': 'replace', 'path': '/completed', 'value': True} """ self.method = 'PATCH' self.body = json.dumps(ops) d = self.request() d.addCallback(self.receiveResponse) return d
[docs] def post(self, **data): self.method = 'POST' self.body = json.dumps(data) d = self.request() d.addCallback(self.receiveResponse) return d
[docs] def put(self, **data): self.method = 'PUT' self.body = json.dumps(data) d = self.request() d.addCallback(self.receiveResponse) return d
[docs] def request(self): driver = self.driver() if self.setAuthHeader and PDServerRequest.token is not None: auth = 'Bearer {}'.format(PDServerRequest.token) driver.setHeader('Authorization', auth) return driver.request(self.method, self.url, self.body)
[docs] def receiveResponse(self, response): """ Intercept the response object, and if it's a 401 authenticate and retry. """ if response.code == 401 and self.setAuthHeader: # 401 (Unauthorized) may mean our token is no longer valid. # Request a new token and then retry the request. # # Watch out for infinite recursion here! If this inner request # returns a 401 code, meaning the id/password is invalid, it should # not go down this code path again (prevented by check against # self.setAuthHeader above). authRequest = PDServerRequest('/auth/router', driver=self.driver, setAuthHeader=False) d =, password=nexus.core.getKey('apitoken')) def cbLogin(authResponse): if authResponse.success: PDServerRequest.token ='token', None) # Retry the original request now that we have a new token. return self.request() else: # Our attempt to get a token failed, so give up. return PDServerResponse(response) d.addCallback(cbLogin) return d else: return response
[docs] @classmethod def getServerInfo(c): """ Return the information needed to send API messages to the server. This can be used by an external program (e.g. pdinstall). """ info = { 'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(c.token), 'router_id':, 'server': } return info
[docs] @classmethod def resetToken(c): """ Reset the auth token, to be called if the router's identity has changed. """ c.token = None
# Initialize pycurl. Does this do anything? pycurl.global_init(pycurl.GLOBAL_ALL) # Set the number of connections that can be kept alive in the connection pool. # Setting this equal to the size of the semaphore should prevent churn. TwistedRequestDriver.pool.maxPersistentPerHost = settings.PDSERVER_MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS