Source code for

import collections
import ipaddress
import itertools

from paradrop.base.output import out
from paradrop.base import pdutils, settings
from paradrop.lib.utils import addresses, datastruct, uci

from . import configservice, uciutils

# TODO: Instead of being a constant, look at device capabilities.


# We use a 4-digit hex string, which gives us this maximum.

# Size of subnets to assign to chutes.

# Extra Wi-Fi interface options that we will pass on directly to confd.
# Deprecated: move to 'options' object after 1.0 release.

[docs]def getInterfaceDict(chute): """ Return interfaces from a chute as a dict with interface names as the keys. Returns an empty dict if chute is None or it had no interfaces. """ oldInterfaces = dict() if chute is not None: cachedInterfaces = chute.getCache('networkInterfaces') oldInterfaces = {iface['name']: iface for iface in cachedInterfaces} return oldInterfaces
[docs]def reclaimNetworkResources(chute): """ Reclaim network resources for a previously running chute. This function only applies to the special case in which pd starts up and loads a list of chutes that were running. This function marks their IP addresses and interface names as taken so that new chutes will not use the same values. """ pass
[docs]def getWifiKeySettings(cfg, iface): """ Read encryption settings from cfg and transfer them to iface. """ # If 'key' is present, but 'encryption' is not, then default to # psk2. If 'key' is not present, and 'encryption' is psk or psk2, # then we have an error. iface['encryption'] = "none" if 'key' in cfg: iface['key'] = cfg['key'] iface['encryption'] = 'psk2' # default to psk2 if 'encryption' in cfg: iface['encryption'] = cfg['encryption'] if cfg['encryption'].startswith('psk') and 'key' not in cfg: out.warn("Key field must be defined " "when encryption is enabled.") raise Exception("No key field defined for WiFi encryption")
[docs]def chooseSubnet(update, cfg, iface): reservations ='subnetReservations') # Check if the chute configuration requests a specific network. # # TODO: Implement a mode where a chute can request a preferred network, but # do not fail if it is unavailable. requested = cfg.get('ipv4_network', None) if requested is not None: network = ipaddress.ip_network(unicode(requested)) if network in reservations: raise Exception("Could not assign network {}, network already in use".format( requested)) else: reservations.add(network) return network # Get subnet configuration settings from host configuration. host_config ='hostConfig') network_pool = datastruct.getValue(host_config, "system.chuteSubnetPool", settings.DYNAMIC_NETWORK_POOL) prefix_size = datastruct.getValue(host_config, "system.chutePrefixSize", SUBNET_SIZE) network = ipaddress.ip_network(unicode(network_pool)) if prefix_size < network.prefixlen: raise Exception("Router misconfigured: prefix size {} is invalid for network {}".format( prefix_size, network)) subnets = network.subnets(new_prefix=prefix_size) for subnet in subnets: if subnet not in reservations: reservations.add(subnet) return subnet raise Exception("Could not find an available subnet")
[docs]def chooseExternalIntf(update, iface): if iface['mode'] == "ap": # Generate initial portion (prefix) of interface name. # # NOTE: We add a "v" in front of the interface name to avoid triggering # the udev persistent net naming rules, which are hard-coded to certain # typical strings such as "eth*" and "wlan*" but not "veth*" or # "vwlan*". We do NOT want udev renaming our virtual interfaces. prefix = "vwlan" # This name should be unique on the system, so the hash is very unlikely to # collide with anything. It still can collide, but this will be our first # choice for an interface number. name = "{}:{}".format(, iface['internalIntf']) base = hash(name) reservations ='interfaceReservations') for i in range(MAX_INTERFACE_NUMBERS): number = (base + i) % MAX_INTERFACE_NUMBERS intf = "{}{:04x}".format(prefix, number) if intf not in reservations: reservations.add(intf) return intf raise Exception("Could not find an available interface name") else: # For monitor and managed mode, use the existing primary interface. devices ='networkDevicesByName') if iface['device'] not in devices: raise Exception("Could not find device {}".format(iface['device'])) device = devices[iface['device']] if 'primary_interface' not in device: raise Exception("Primary interface for {} not detected".format( device['name'])) return device['primary_interface']
[docs]def getInterfaceAddress(update, name, cfg, iface): """ Dynamically select IP address for the chute interface. This function will use a subnet from the chute subnet pool and assign IP addresses to the external (in host) and internal (in chute) interfaces. The addresses are stored in the iface object. """ # Claim a subnet for this interface from the pool. subnet = chooseSubnet(update, cfg, iface) # Generate internal (in the chute) and external (in the host) # addresses. # # Example: # subnet: # netmask: # external: # internal: hosts = subnet.hosts() iface['subnet'] = subnet iface['netmask'] = str(subnet.netmask) iface['externalIpaddr'] = str( iface['internalIpaddr'] = str( # Generate the internal IP address with prefix length (x.x.x.x/y) for # convenience of other code that expect that format (e.g. pipework). iface['ipaddrWithPrefix'] = "{}/{}".format( iface['internalIpaddr'], subnet.prefixlen)
[docs]def getNetworkConfigWifi(update, name, cfg, iface): iface['mode'] = cfg.get("mode", "ap") # Make a dictionary of old interfaces. Any new interfaces that are # identical to an old one do not need to be changed. oldInterfaces = getInterfaceDict(update.old) # Generate a name for the new interface in the host. iface['externalIntf'] = chooseExternalIntf(update, iface) if len(iface['externalIntf']) > MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN: out.warn("Interface name ({}) is too long\n".format(iface['externalIntf'])) raise Exception("Interface name is too long") if iface['mode'] in ["ap", "sta"]: # Check for required fields. res = pdutils.check(cfg, dict, ['ssid']) if res: out.warn('WiFi network interface definition {}\n'.format(res)) raise Exception("Interface definition missing field(s)") iface['ssid'] = cfg['ssid'] # Optional encryption settings getWifiKeySettings(cfg, iface) # Give a warning if the dhcp block is missing, since it is likely # that developers will want a DHCP server to go with their AP. if 'dhcp' not in cfg: out.warn("No dhcp block found for interface {}; " "will not run a DHCP server".format(name))
[docs]def getNetworkConfigVlan(update, name, cfg, iface): res = pdutils.check(cfg, dict, ['vlan_id']) if res: raise Exception("Interface definition missing field(s)") # Generate a name for the new interface in the host. iface['externalIntf'] = "br-lan.{}".format(cfg['vlan_id']) # Prevent multiple chutes from using the same VLAN. reservations ='interfaceReservations') if iface['externalIntf'] in reservations: raise Exception("Interface {} already in use".format( iface['externalIntf'])) reservations.add(iface['externalIntf'])
[docs]def getNetworkConfigLan(update, name, cfg, iface): # Claim a subnet for this interface from the pool. iface['externalIntf'] = iface['device']
[docs]def get_current_phy_conf(update, device_id): """ Lookup current configuration for a network device. This includes information such as the Wi-Fi channel. Returns a dictionary, which may be empty if no configuration was found. """ hostConfig ='hostConfig') for dev in hostConfig.get('wifi', []): if dev.get('id', None) == device_id: return dev return {}
[docs]def satisfies_requirements(obj, requirements): """ Checks that an object satifies given requirements. Every key-value pair in the requirements object must be present in the target object for it to be considered satisfied. Returns True/False. """ for key, value in requirements.iteritems(): if key not in obj: return False if obj[key] != value: return False return True
[docs]def fulfillDeviceRequest(update, cfg, devices): """ Find a physical device that matches the requested device type. Raises an exception if one cannot be found. """ dtype = cfg['type'] mode = cfg.get('mode', 'ap') # Get list of devices by requested type. devlist = devices.get(dtype, []) reservations ='deviceReservations') bestDevice = None bestScore = -1 for device in devlist: dname = device['name'] # If the configuration object includes a 'requests' object, then look # up configuration of the device and check additional constraints, e.g. # channel or hwmode. if 'requests' in cfg: phyconf = get_current_phy_conf(update, device['id']) if not satisfies_requirements(phyconf, cfg['requests']): continue # Monitor, station, and airshark mode interfaces require exclusive # access to the device. if dtype == "wifi" and mode in ["monitor", "sta", "airshark"]: if reservations[dname].count() > 0: continue # Choose the first one that matches. bestDevice = device break # AP mode interfaces can share a device, but not with monitor mode or # station mode. elif dtype == "wifi" and mode == "ap": if reservations[dname].count(mode="monitor") > 0: continue if reservations[dname].count(mode="sta") > 0: continue apcount = reservations[dname].count(mode="ap") # Avoid exceeding the max. number of AP interfaces. if apcount >= MAX_AP_INTERFACES: continue # Otherwise, prefer interfaces that have at least one AP already. # This preference leaves interfaces available for other purposes # (e.g. monitor mode). if apcount > bestScore: bestDevice = device bestScore = apcount else: # Handle other devices types, namely "lan". Assume they require # exclusive access. if reservations[dname].count() > 0: continue else: bestDevice = device break if bestDevice is not None:"Assign device {} for requested type {}".format(bestDevice['name'], dtype)) reservations[bestDevice['name']].add(, dtype, mode) return bestDevice raise Exception("Could not satisfy requirement for device of type {}.".format(dtype))
[docs]def getExtraOptions(cfg): """ Get dictionary of extra wifi-iface options that we are not interpreting but just passing on to pdconf. """ # Using an 'options' object in the configuration is more extensible than # enumerating the possible extra options. options = cfg.get('options', {}) # Deprecated: remove after 1.0 release. for key, value in cfg.iteritems(): if key in IFACE_EXTRA_OPTIONS: options[key] = value return options
[docs]def getNetworkConfig(update): """ For the Chute provided, return the dict object of a 100% filled out configuration set of network configuration. This would include determining what the IP addresses, interfaces names, etc... Store configuration in networkInterfaces cache entry. """ # Notes: # # Fill in the gaps of knowledge between what the dev provided us in their # config and what would be required to add all the config changes to get # the chute working By the end of this function there should be a # cache:networkInterfaces key containing a list of dictionary objects for # each interface we will need to create, including netmasks IP addresses, # etc.. this is important to allow all other modules to know what the IP # addr is for this chute, etc.. # # old code under lib.internal.chs.chutelxc same function name interfaces = list() # Put the list in the cache now (shared reference), so that if we fail out # of this function after partial completion, the abort function can take # care of what made it into the list.'networkInterfaces', interfaces) if not hasattr(, 'net'): return None # Make sure we only assign interfaces to running chutes. if not return None # Make a dictionary of old interfaces. Any new interfaces that are # identical to an old one do not need to be changed. oldInterfaces = getInterfaceDict(update.old) devices ='networkDevices') for name, cfg in # Check for required fields. res = pdutils.check(cfg, dict, ['intfName', 'type']) if res: out.warn('Network interface definition {}\n'.format(res)) raise Exception("Interface definition missing field(s)") iface = { 'name': name, # Name (not used?) 'netType': cfg['type'], # Type (wan, lan, wifi) 'internalIntf': cfg['intfName'], # Interface name in chute 'l3bridge': cfg.get('l3bridge', None) # Optional } getInterfaceAddress(update, name, cfg, iface) if cfg['type'] == "wifi": # Try to find a physical device of the requested type. # # Note: we try this first because it can fail, and then we will not try # to allocate any resources for it. device = fulfillDeviceRequest(update, cfg, devices) iface['device'] = device['name'] iface['phy'] = device['phy'] getNetworkConfigWifi(update, name, cfg, iface) elif cfg['type'] == "vlan": getNetworkConfigVlan(update, name, cfg, iface) elif cfg['type'] == "lan": device = fulfillDeviceRequest(update, cfg, devices) iface['device'] = device['name'] getNetworkConfigLan(update, name, cfg, iface) else: raise Exception("Unsupported network type, {}".format(cfg['type'])) # Pass on DHCP configuration if it exists. if 'dhcp' in cfg: iface['dhcp'] = cfg['dhcp'] # TODO: Refactor! The problem here is that `cfg` contains a mixture of # fields, some that we will interpret and some that we will pass on to # pdconf. The result is a lot of logic that tests and copies without # actually accomplishing much. iface['options'] = getExtraOptions(cfg) interfaces.append(iface)'networkInterfaces', interfaces)
[docs]def abortNetworkConfig(update): """ Release resources claimed by chute network configuration. """ pass
[docs]def getOSNetworkConfig(update): """ Takes the network interface obj created by NetworkManager.getNetworkConfiguration and returns a properly formatted object to be passed to the UCIConfig class. The object returned is a list of tuples (config, options). """ # Notes: # # Take the cache:networkInterfaces key and generate the UCI specific OS # config we need to inact the chute changes, should create a # cache:osNetworkConfig key # # old code under lib.internal.chs.chutelxc same function name # Make a dictionary of old interfaces, then remove them as we go # through the new interfaces. Anything remaining should be freed. removedInterfaces = getInterfaceDict(update.old) interfaces ='networkInterfaces') osNetwork = list() for iface in interfaces: config = {'type': 'interface', 'name': iface['externalIntf']} if iface['netType'] == "wifi" and iface.get('mode', 'ap') == "monitor": # Monitor mode is a special case - do not configure an IP address # for it. options = { 'proto': 'none', 'ifname': iface['externalIntf'] } else: # TODO: Check if configured IP addresses conflict with reservations # by chutes and fail a sethostconfig operation in that case. options = { 'proto': 'static', 'ipaddr': iface['externalIpaddr'], 'netmask': iface['netmask'], 'ifname': iface['externalIntf'] } # Add to our OS Network osNetwork.append((config, options)) # This interface is still in use, so take it out of the remove set. if iface['name'] in removedInterfaces: del removedInterfaces[iface['name']]'osNetworkConfig', osNetwork)
[docs]def setOSNetworkConfig(update): """ Takes a list of tuples (config, opts) and saves it to the network config file. """ # Notes: # # Takes the config generated (cache:osNetworkConfig) and uses the UCI # module to actually push it to the disk # # old code under lib.internal.chs.chutelxc same function name changed = uciutils.setConfig(, update.old, cacheKeys=['osNetworkConfig'], filepath=uci.getSystemPath("network"))
[docs]def getL3BridgeConfig(update): """ Creates configuration sections for layer 3 bridging. """ interfaces ='networkInterfaces') parprouted = list() for iface in interfaces: l3bridge = iface.get('l3bridge', None) if l3bridge is None: continue config = {'type': 'bridge'} options = { 'interfaces': [ iface['externalIntf'], l3bridge ] } parprouted.append((config, options))'parproutedConfig', parprouted)
[docs]def setL3BridgeConfig(update): """ Apply configuration for layer 3 bridging. """ changed = uciutils.setConfig(, update.old, cacheKeys=['parproutedConfig'], filepath=uci.getSystemPath("parprouted"))