Source code for paradrop.core.chute.chute

# Copyright 2013-2015 All Rights Reserved
# Authors: The Paradrop Team

from paradrop.base.output import out

[docs]class Chute(object): """ Wrapper class for Chute objects. """ STATE_INVALID = "invalid" STATE_DISABLED = "disabled" STATE_RUNNING = "running" STATE_FROZEN = "frozen" STATE_STOPPED = "stopped" CONFIG_FIELDS = set(["environment", "host_config", "net", "web"]) def __init__(self, descriptor, strip=None): # Set these first so we don't have to worry about it later = None self.state = None self.warning = None self._cache = {} # See if we need to rm anything from descriptor since we grab the whole thing if(strip): d = descriptor for s in strip: d.pop(s, None) self.__dict__.update(d) else: self.__dict__.update(descriptor) def __repr__(self): return "<Chute %s - %s>" % (, self.state) def __str__(self): return "Chute:{}".format(
[docs] def isRunning(self): return self.state == Chute.STATE_RUNNING
[docs] def isValid(self): """Return True only if the Chute object we have has all the proper things defined to be in a valid state.""" if(not or len( == 0): return False return True
[docs] def delCache(self, key): """Delete the key:val from the _cache dict object.""" if(key in self._cache.keys()): del(self._cache[key])
[docs] def setCache(self, key, val): """Set the key:val into the _cache dict object to carry around.""" self._cache[key] = val
[docs] def getCache(self, key): """Get the val out of the _cache dict object, or None if it doesn't exist.""" return self._cache.get(key, None)
[docs] def dumpCache(self): """ Return a string of the contents of this chute's cache. In case of catastrophic failure dump all cache content so we can debug. """ return "\n".join(["%s:%s" % (k,v) for k,v in self._cache.iteritems()])
[docs] def getCacheContents(self): """ Return the cache dictionary. """ return self._cache
[docs] def appendCache(self, key, val): """ Finds the key they requested and appends the val into it, this function assumes the cache object is of list type, if the key hasn't been defined yet then it will set it to an empty list. """ r = self.getCache(key) if(not r): r = [] elif(not isinstance(r, list)): out.warn('Unable to append to cache, not list type\n' ) return r.append(val) self.setCache(key, r) return True
[docs] def getConfiguration(self): """ Get the chute's configuration object. """ # TODO: Split metadata (e.g. name and version) from configuration data. # Currently, we do this by selectively copying from __dict__. A # cleaner separation would require refactoring all the way through how # we create update objects. config = {} for key in self.__dict__: if key in self.CONFIG_FIELDS: config[key] = self.__dict__[key] return config
[docs] def getHostConfig(self): """ Get the chute's host_config options for Docker. Returns an empty dictionary if there is no host_config setting. """ config = getattr(self, 'host_config', None) if config is None: config = {} return config
[docs] def getWebPort(self): """ Get the port configured for the chute's web server. Returns port (int) or None if no port is configured. """ port = None if hasattr(self, 'web'): port = self.web.get('port', None) if port is not None: # Make sure it is an int. return int(port) else: return None