Source code for paradrop.backend.pdconfd.client

import threading

from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
from txdbus import client, error

from .main import ConfigService, service_name, service_path
from pdtools.lib.output import out

[docs]def callDeferredMethod(method, *args): try: conn = yield client.connect(reactor, busAddress="system") robj = yield conn.getRemoteObject(service_name, service_path) result = yield robj.callRemote(method, *args) defer.returnValue(result) except error.DBusException as e: out.err("D-Bus error: {}".format(e)) pass
[docs]class Blocking(object): """ Uses threading.Event to implement blocking on a twisted deferred object. The wait method will wait for its completion and return its result. Dear Lance. I hope you stub your toe. """ def __init__(self, deferred): self.event = threading.Event() self.result = None deferred.addCallback(self.unlock)
[docs] def unlock(self, result): self.result = result self.event.set()
[docs] def wait(self): # Try to detect if we are in the reactor main thread. If we are, # blocking here will prevent unlock from ever being called. if threading.currentThread().getName() == "MainThread": raise Exception("Blocking in reactor main thread") self.event.wait() return self.result
[docs]def reloadAll(dbus=False): """ Reload all files from the system configuration directory. This function blocks until the request completes. On completion it returns a status string, which is a JSON list of loaded configuration sections with a 'success' field. For critical errors such as failure to connect to the D-Bus service, it will return None. """ if dbus: d = callDeferredMethod("ReloadAll") blocking = Blocking(d) return blocking.wait() else: return ConfigService.configManager.loadConfig()
[docs]def reload(path, dbus=False): """ Reload file(s) specified by path. This function blocks until the request completes. On completion it returns a status string, which is a JSON list of loaded configuration sections with a 'success' field. For critical errors such as failure to connect to the D-Bus service, it will return None. """ if dbus: d = callDeferredMethod("Reload", path) blocking = Blocking(d) return blocking.wait() else: return ConfigService.configManager.loadConfig(path)
[docs]def waitSystemUp(dbus=False): """ Wait for the configuration daemon to finish its first load. This function blocks until the request completes. On completion it returns a status string, which is a JSON list of loaded configuration sections with a 'success' field. For critical errors such as failure to connect to the D-Bus service, it will return None. """ if dbus: d = callDeferredMethod("WaitSystemUp") blocking = Blocking(d) return blocking.wait() else: return ConfigService.configManager.waitSystemUp()