Source code for

# Copyright 2013-2014 All Rights Reserved
# Authors: The Paradrop Team

from pdtools.lib.output import out

from paradrop.backend.exc import plangraph

[docs]def generatePlans(update): """ This function looks at a diff of the current Chute (in @chuteStor) and the @newChute, then adds Plan() calls to make the Chute match the @newChute. Returns: True: abort the plan generation process """ out.verbose("%r\n" % (update)) #print any warnings from previous update if they exist if hasattr(update, 'pkg') and update.old != None and update.old.warning != None: update.pkg.request.write(update.old.warning + '\n') # TODO: Create a directory for the chute for us to hold onto things (dockerfile, OS config stuff) return None