Source code for paradrop.core.container.chutecontainer

import docker

from paradrop.base.exceptions import ChuteNotFound, ChuteNotRunning

[docs]class ChuteContainer(object): """ Class for accessing information about a chute's container. """ def __init__(self, name, docker_url="unix://var/run/docker.sock"): = name self.docker_url = docker_url
[docs] def getID(self): """ Look up the container ID as used by Docker. """ info = self.inspect() return info['Id']
[docs] def getIP(self): """ Look up the IP address assigned to the container. """ info = self.inspect() if not info['State']['Running']: raise ChuteNotRunning("The chute is not running.") return info['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress']
[docs] def getPID(self): """ Look up the PID of the container, if running. """ info = self.inspect() if not info['State']['Running']: raise ChuteNotRunning("The chute is not running.") return info['State']['Pid']
[docs] def getPortConfiguration(self, port, protocol="tcp"): """ Look up network port configuration. This tells us if a port in the host is bound to a port inside the container. Returns a list, typically with zero or one elements. Example: [{ "HostIp": "", "HostPort": "32768" }] """ info = self.inspect() key = "{}/{}".format(port, protocol) try: return info['NetworkSettings']['Ports'][key] except: return []
[docs] def getStatus(self): """ Return the status of the container (running, exited, paused). Returns "missing" if the chute does not exist. """ try: info = self.inspect() return info['State']['Status'] except ChuteNotFound: return "missing"
[docs] def inspect(self): """ Return the full container status from Docker. """ client = docker.APIClient(base_url=self.docker_url, version='auto') try: info = client.inspect_container( return info except docker.errors.NotFound: raise ChuteNotFound("The chute could not be found.")
[docs] def isRunning(self): """ Check if container is running. Returns True/False; returns False if the container does not exist. """ try: info = self.inspect() return info['State']['Running'] except ChuteNotFound: return False