Source code for

import re

from .base import ConfigObject, ConfigOption
from .command import Command

[docs]class ConfigInterface(ConfigObject): typename = "interface" # Don't let qos:interface override this class. maskable = False options = [ ConfigOption(name="proto", required=True), ConfigOption(name="ifname", type=list, default=[]), ConfigOption(name="type"), ConfigOption(name="bridge_empty", type=bool, default=False), ConfigOption(name="enabled", type=bool, default=True), # Options for "static" protocol: ConfigOption(name="ipaddr"), ConfigOption(name="netmask"), ConfigOption(name="gateway") ] # Match interface names that include a VLAD ID, e.g. eth0.10 DEV_PLUS_VID = re.compile(r"([a-z0-9\-]+)\.(\d+)")
[docs] def setup(self): # For which interface are we setting the IP address? If it's a bridge, # we create a bridge interface and set its address; otherwise, we take # the "ifname" option. if self.type == "bridge": self.config_ifname = "br-{}".format( else: if len(self.ifname) == 0: raise Exception("missing ifname in interface {}".format( self.config_ifname = self.ifname[0] # Set to True if we created a new interface. self._created = False
[docs] def addToBridge(self, ifname): """ Generate commands to add ifname to bridge. """ commands = list() cmd = ["ip", "link", "set", "dev", ifname, "promisc", "on"] commands.append((self.PRIO_CONFIG_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) cmd = ["ip", "link", "set", "dev", ifname, "up"] commands.append((self.PRIO_CONFIG_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) cmd = ["ip", "link", "set", "dev", ifname, "master", self.config_ifname] commands.append((self.PRIO_CONFIG_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) return commands
[docs] def removeFromBridge(self, ifname): """ Generate commands to add ifname to bridge. """ commands = list() cmd = ["ip", "link", "set", "dev", ifname, "promisc", "off"] commands.append((-self.PRIO_CONFIG_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) cmd = ["ip", "link", "set", "dev", ifname, "down"] commands.append((-self.PRIO_CONFIG_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) cmd = ["ip", "link", "set", "dev", ifname, "nomaster"] commands.append((-self.PRIO_CONFIG_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) return commands
[docs] def apply(self, allConfigs): commands = list() if self.type == "bridge": # Create bridge interface if there is at least one physical # interface or bridge_empty is set to true. if len(self.ifname) > 0 or self.bridge_empty: cmd = ["ip", "link", "add", "name", self.config_ifname, "type", "bridge"] commands.append((self.PRIO_CREATE_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) self._created = True # Add all of the interfaces to the bridge. for ifname in self.ifname: commands.extend(self.addToBridge(ifname)) else: # If the ifname contains a VLAN ID, e.g. eth0.5, then create a vlan # interface. match = ConfigInterface.DEV_PLUS_VID.match(self.config_ifname) if match is not None: ifname = vlan_id = cmd = ["ip", "link", "add", "link", ifname, "name", self.config_ifname, "type", "vlan", "id", vlan_id] commands.append((self.PRIO_CREATE_VLAN, Command(cmd, self))) self._created = True if self.proto == "static": cmd = ["ip", "addr", "flush", "dev", self.config_ifname] commands.append((self.PRIO_CONFIG_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) cmd = ["ip", "addr", "add", "{}/{}".format(self.ipaddr, self.netmask), "dev", self.config_ifname] commands.append((self.PRIO_CONFIG_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) updown = "up" if self.enabled else "down" cmd = ["ip", "link", "set", "dev", self.config_ifname, updown] commands.append((self.PRIO_CONFIG_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) if self.gateway is not None: cmd = ["ip", "route", "add", "default", "via", self.gateway, "dev", self.config_ifname] commands.append((self.PRIO_CONFIG_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) return commands
[docs] def revert(self, allConfigs): commands = list() if self.proto == "static": if self.gateway is not None: cmd = ["ip", "route", "del", "default", "via", self.gateway, "dev", self.config_ifname] commands.append((-self.PRIO_CREATE_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) # Remove the IP address that we added. cmd = ["ip", "addr", "del", "{}/{}".format(self.ipaddr, self.netmask), "dev", self.config_ifname] commands.append((-self.PRIO_CONFIG_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) if self.type == "bridge": # Remove all of the interfaces from the bridge. for ifname in self.ifname: commands.extend(self.removeFromBridge(ifname)) if self._created: cmd = ["ip", "link", "delete", self.config_ifname] commands.append((-self.PRIO_CREATE_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) return commands
[docs] def updateApply(self, new, allConfigs): # Major changes require reverting the current config and loading the # new one. if self.proto != new.proto or self.type != new.type: return self.apply(allConfigs) commands = list() # May have changed the IP address. if self.proto == "static": if new.ipaddr != self.ipaddr or new.netmask != self.netmask: cmd = ["ip", "addr", "change", "{}/{}".format(new.ipaddr, new.netmask), "dev", new.config_ifname] commands.append((self.PRIO_CONFIG_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) if new.gateway != self.gateway: if new.gateway is not None: cmd = ["ip", "route", "add", "default", "via", new.gateway, "dev", new.config_ifname] commands.append((self.PRIO_CONFIG_IFACE, Command(cmd, new))) if self.type == "bridge": old_ifnames = set(self.ifname) new_ifnames = set(new.ifname) # The bridge may not exist if this is the first physical interface # and bridge_empty is False. if len(self.ifname) == 0 and not self.bridge_empty: cmd = ["ip", "link", "add", "name", self.config_ifname, "type", "bridge"] commands.append((self.PRIO_CREATE_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) self._created = True # Add interfaces that were not in the old bridge. for ifname in (new_ifnames - old_ifnames): commands.extend(self.addToBridge(ifname)) return commands
[docs] def updateRevert(self, new, allConfigs): # Major changes require reverting the current config and loading the # new one. if self.proto != new.proto or self.type != new.type: return self.revert(allConfigs) commands = list() # May have changed the IP address. if self.proto == "static": if new.gateway != self.gateway: if self.gateway is not None: cmd = ["ip", "route", "del", "default", "via", self.gateway, "dev", self.config_ifname] commands.append((-self.PRIO_CONFIG_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) # Delete the old IP address because "ip addr change" seems to leave # it in place. if new.ipaddr != self.ipaddr or new.netmask != self.netmask: cmd = ["ip", "addr", "del", "{}/{}".format(self.ipaddr, self.netmask), "dev", self.config_ifname] commands.append((self.PRIO_CONFIG_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) if self.type == "bridge": old_ifnames = set(self.ifname) new_ifnames = set(new.ifname) # Remove interfaces that are not in the new bridge. for ifname in (old_ifnames - new_ifnames): commands.extend(self.removeFromBridge(ifname)) # The bridge should not exist if this is the first physical interface # and bridge_empty is False. if len(self.ifname) == 0 and not self.bridge_empty: cmd = ["ip", "link", "delete", self.config_ifname] commands.append((-self.PRIO_CREATE_IFACE, Command(cmd, self))) return commands