Source code for paradrop.confd.client

from . import main

[docs]def reloadAll(): """ Reload all files from the system configuration directory. This function blocks until the request completes. On completion it returns a status string, which is a JSON list of loaded configuration sections with a 'success' field. For critical errors it will return None. """ return main.configManager.loadConfig()
[docs]def reload(path): """ Reload file(s) specified by path. This function blocks until the request completes. On completion it returns a status string, which is a JSON list of loaded configuration sections with a 'success' field. For critical errors it will return None. """ return main.configManager.loadConfig(path)
[docs]def systemStatus(): """ Return system status string from pdconf. """ return main.configManager.statusString()
[docs]def waitSystemUp(): """ Wait for the configuration daemon to finish its first load. This function blocks until the request completes. On completion it returns a status string, which is a JSON list of loaded configuration sections with a 'success' field. For critical errors it will return None. """ return main.configManager.waitSystemUp()